Look at those Mikus! How can you make something so cute?! I looooove it! 😍
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Look at those Mikus! How can you make something so cute?! I looooove it! 😍
It's beautiful, I don't see many things from the World Cup but I still think that this animation is really beautiful, I love it!
It's as beatiful as you are! ♡
I see it and I think it's really nice, the color combination is quite nice and I also like the idea of characters with plug tails X3
Thank you! At first it was a magnet tail. But it slowly evolved into a plug tail and I feel it's for the best! :D
This is cute and funny X3
Also thicc, but cute.
This is so funkin great and super cute, I love it, I love it a lot.
This is a nice work, 10/10, u style is very cute.
Hoi, i'm a little cute shit :3
Joined on 3/5/19